Saturday, March 7, 2009

Movie Props 001, The Saint

I'm always looking at movie props and think about how I would build them and make them somewhat functional. Here's a couple of props I like from The Saint, starring Val Kilmer and Elisabeth Shue. Simon Templar uses this pocket knife throughout the movie. The comedy/tragedy mask, the symbol for theatre, is appropriate considering the theme of Simon taking on disguised through out the movie and not knowing his real name.

It incorporates a blade, lock pick set, small flare/cutting torch, and camera. It also has a sort of keyboard with digital readout that is never seen in use. Maybe it's supposed to be for e-mail. At one point in the film, Simon has it stored in a hollow section of his boot heel.

I also like this retro lapel pin that Emma gives Simon at the end of the movie. It's a re-stylized version of the tv show logo.


Solaar said...

My favorite movie and thanks for posting about the props used. It's thanks to "The Saint" that I discovered the Nokia 9000 (and the later models like the new e90.)

It's a great movie which deserves more praise then it gets! :)

Unknown said...

where can i get a pocket knife like the one in the film The Saint. thanks

Grumpy said...

I have one of the lapel pins that Paramount issued of 200, lovely pin but came without a point protector which I now have fitted. It cost me £100 many years ago so don’t know what it’s worth today because I have never seen any of sale since.