Saturday, March 7, 2009

Movie Props 002, Lightsabers

I came across this video of the day, How to Build a Lightsaber, over at my favorite movie sight, /film. And who wouldn't want their own light saber. I was seven when I saw Star Wars in the theatre and was in awe. There is some great info about how the original sabers were made and the talk about the Custom Saber Shop, were you can get reproduction parts, machined parts and blades that light up. They have a cool program that lets you "build" you light saber while calculating the cost. You can also save your build and get a parts list. Here's a few I threw together.

You can also have custom work done, and services like powder coating and media blasting. They also have a forum with info on how to build your saber, and all topics light saber.

Movie Props 001, The Saint

I'm always looking at movie props and think about how I would build them and make them somewhat functional. Here's a couple of props I like from The Saint, starring Val Kilmer and Elisabeth Shue. Simon Templar uses this pocket knife throughout the movie. The comedy/tragedy mask, the symbol for theatre, is appropriate considering the theme of Simon taking on disguised through out the movie and not knowing his real name.

It incorporates a blade, lock pick set, small flare/cutting torch, and camera. It also has a sort of keyboard with digital readout that is never seen in use. Maybe it's supposed to be for e-mail. At one point in the film, Simon has it stored in a hollow section of his boot heel.

I also like this retro lapel pin that Emma gives Simon at the end of the movie. It's a re-stylized version of the tv show logo.